Wednesday, March 9, 2005

?sdrawkcab daer uoy nac

yet another exciting day in the life of anne. i'm really running out of things to talk about at the moment, so i dunno how long this post is gonna be.....

ok, so the st. patrick's day parade is this saturday, and i am hoping to go prom dress shopping with jessie afterwards. she said she wants to get to work sometime after the parade, so i dunno if that's gonna work out. i already have a dress in mind and everything. now the trick is to finding it. i've actually only seen this dress once last year, but since then i've seen one just like it only a different color. but it doesn't matter, i WILL get this dress. it was only $100 too! last year i got a real bargain though, $15. i think someone had returned it because it was on clearance. i wish we were graduated already, being in school is really getting annoying. i wanna be out of school and free from my parents. of course i'll still have to put up with them all this summer, but after that i'm living in the UNO dorms.

oh, um.... well.... i really don't want to bore all of you imaginary readers, so i'll just quit before i start going into "er..." and "uh..." and "dammit...."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After the parade I'm gunna go reserve the next Evangelion, and possibly Ghost In the Shell too.