Thursday, March 10, 2005

just came to a realization

all blogs seem to have a point to them. a central idea that all the posts relate to, that or they are just records of somebody's daily life. then i thought.... my blog has no point. it's just me, and the keyboard, and whatever transmits between them. it does kinda follow the title of my blog "everybody is somebody's weirdo" and i do have a small amount of my daily goings-on recorded, but it's mostly just me rambling on, isn't it? yes, yes it is.

then i was thinking about getting a new layout, but that would be really difficult because of all the coding in there that i'm not familiar with. i can do html and ccs (or is it css?) but that's about it. i'm too lazy to learn the rest. i like the polka dots anyway. i was just thinking how nice it would be to have an anime character lookin' at'cha whilest reading this.... whoever you are.....

yea, going back to what i was saying in the first paragraph, mike's (yep, just mike, i'm gonna try to avoid using last names. they can be annoying) blog is entirely made up of posts about politics. HOW CAN YOU THINK ABOUT POLITICS THAT MUCH?! i find it astonishing, really i do. then again, people probably find it astonishing how much i think about anime/books/things that aren't real. or maybe it's more of a "oh my god, get a life...." or a freaky impression, i really don't know.

i'm just really bored today. after all this is the second post with actual content for today. usually when i post a second, well, post a day it's when i found something interesting on the web to link to. i really outta go to bed now, though...... and shower and all that good stuff...... so i guess this is it.........

Love is chemistry, sex is physics.

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