Monday, March 14, 2005

black holes suck

yay! ranma is FINALLY coming in the mail today. it should be waiting on our front step when i get home. ok, so i'm just bored again in free. english homework just doesn't sound appealing right now.... or ever.... anyway, this weekend wasn't all too exciting. matt and my dad were outta town all weekend, so it was just me and my mom. on saturday she was gone ALL day, tho, so after the parade and shopping with jessie, it was just me and the dog. i was really tired and in a bad mood, so i ended up taking a nap from about 6 till 745. after that my mom called and we went back up the mall and bought my dress. i didn't buy it originally because i wanted a size smaller (since it's strapless) but they didn't have it. my mom told me that her friend could take it in the tiny bit that it needed, so we went back up and bought it. on sunday i skipped church since my mom wasn't feeling well, so we both just slept in. after that i went to work. yea, that was my weekend.

so at the moment, i'm just putting up with the school day till i can go home and watch ranma. oh, hmm, what to say, what to say.... i'm trying to keep my imaginary audience entertained after all. i was working on my website for a while, but then it started acting weird again and the page wouldn't load after i uploaded an image. so i gave that up and now i'm here. uhhhh...... yea..... i think that's about it. heh, isn't my life so exciting?

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