Monday, March 7, 2005

read on to discover the secret of life

ok so here i am in the media center during my first free period of the day. i have some english to do, but i think i'll put that off till next period..... damn, now it is next period, my second free. needless to say, i'm not in the mood to do any actual work. it is monday after all.

ok, i haven't had a person of the moment for a while (well, technically i have i suppose, but kikyo's had more than her share of time in the lime-light) so i think it is time to salute a new 'person of the moment'. (i should make a banner that says that or something...)

for the moment, the person to salute is maggie mui from r.o.d. the t.v. i love maggie, she's just the greatest. she doesn't always get quite as much credit as she deserves in the show, but that doesn't make her any less important. she's probably got the most valor of the paper sisters, even if it seems anita does (anita just has alot of pluck). maggie is very tall.... very, VERY tall, but her personality comes across as very meek. she's just rather shy. maggie is probably the biggest bibliophile in the entire read or die universe, even more than yomiko and michelle. after all, maggie is the one who goes through some serious withdrawl when she hasn't got anything to read. maggie also has a strange affinity for small confined places. back in their hong kong apartment, maggie slept under the table with a bedsheet over it, and when the sisters moved into nenene's apartment in japan, she chose to room in the closet under the stairs (actually, it was next to the stairs but whatever). maggie on numerous occations puts her life in danger in order to protect and/or save anita and michelle (but mostly anita). this she is greatly underappreciated for, as anita always gives her a hard time and is almost to a point of being abusive. maggie being the passive and shy person she is, just lets it go. hats off to maggie mui, the middle paper sister!

a classic.

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