Sunday, March 6, 2005


yea, so, it's been a pretty busy weekend. i had to go to work thursday, friday, and saturday night, and this evening as well. i was gonna go bowling on saturday after work, but it turns out that john was misinformed about when open-bowling was. he ended up not coming with us anyway. so jessie, kristy, suzie, lynsey, joe, and i went to village inn and had food. we spent about an hour and a half (or so) there laughing our asses off at whatever random things the other people had to say. lot's of fun. then joe and jessie and i went back to jessie's house and tried out her new massage chair. that thing is nuts.

so i was going through the comments on the most recent post in things i hate about my flatmate and i found that alot of people actually post thier blog's url in their comment, as well as signing in under their blogger username while posting. i find that sad. just being that desparate to get people to come to their blog. if people find what you type interesting enough, they'll find it eventually. (especially if you're signed in while posting; they can just click on your name)

last couple nights i've been having dreams with the characters from r.o.d. the t.v. in them. namely anita. in the first one the characters lived in a world that resembled the layout of the baker's where i work, and they kept wandering into these weird voids where stuff was floating in the air. they kinda reminded me of the black void full of doors that inaba and the fate production bureau work in in urusei yatsura. anyway, one time they wandered down aisle 7 or 8 and went into one of those warps, and something happened, and anita died. i can't remember for sure, but i think it was junior who shot her..... weird..... anyway, the next one i had last night featured mainly anita, but michelle showed up towards the end. it was some really weird depiction of anita's mysterious past. of course, this isn't really what her past is like in the series, but it was in my dream. anita was some kind of egyptian princess thousands of years ago, till she got sick of sitting in the middle of this dark room all day surrounded by attendants and decided to run away. so she's escaped and is running through this weird, old, dusty house and somehow runs through a time warp and one point. then she finally finds an exit and runs outside to the modern world, where michelle finds her. apparently the two of them meet maggie later. but yea, that's is, end of dream.

anyway, i'm looking for a good place to find anime gifs (the moving kind, not avatars). i used to get them from animated anime gifs paranoia, but for some reason, that website won't let me save the images to my disk anymore. it'll only let me save everything as bitmaps, which of course eliminates the motion. so in order to put random lil' dancing, shooting, fighting, running, whatever characters into my blog (like the hampsters a few days ago) i gotta find a new source. so if anybody knows any good sites, please let me know.

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