Tuesday, February 1, 2005

is this thing on?

ok, well, the reason i haven't posted in a while is, duh, because nobody's reading this anyway. i really suck at advertising. if you (what am i talking about, there isn't any "you" it's just me talking to my computer) haven't seen eric's "the internet entity known as white" post, you should. it's hilarious. umm, so just click on the "eric's blog" link over to the left side of the screen there. no, not that- yes! that one!

o yea, i thought i'd mention my boredom factor right now. it's rather high, but nothing i'm not used to. last night i was having more ladybug problems. one rudely awoke me when it flew up my nose. i have never experienced something more disgusting as that. it was traumatizing. (no, really, it was)

i feel like shopping again, but i don't know what to buy. i want to buy the season one ranma 1/2 boxset, but i can't find it at either of the local suncoasts. i could order online, but i'm too lazy at the moment.

yesterday i kept thinking it was friday. it was a bitter disappointment when it finally sunk in that it was the very opposite of friday. then i had to get up and come here again. i can't wait to graduate. at least i don't have to work at all after school this week. this can be a bad thing, though, too. now i have more free time to acquire boredom.

ok, well, i'm gonna go be bored doing something else. adios!

no bumper sticker today, the image hosts are being bitches.

food for thought:
It is impossible to make anything foolproof, because fools are so ingenious.

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