Thursday, February 24, 2005

5 day weekend!!!

o ya, that's right, starting tomorrow i have a 5 day weekend. god it'll be so nice. but today's gonna be a loooong day, it was a late start, yea, but i was feeling sick all last night and haven't eaten anything but a malted milk shake in the last 24 hours (i had lost my appetite.) hopefully my ranma 1/2 season one dvd boxset will arrive in the mail either today or tomorrow. and hopefully i'll be abloe to go out somewhere tomorrow night. why? becuase i really need to get out more. if i have ranma it won't be so bad if i can't though.

well, i'm gonna go work on my website now.... so, i'll just leave with some choice parting words:

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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