Tuesday, February 15, 2005

goddamn it!

i just deleted this entire huge couple of paragraphs that i was about to put in this post! it started out with my saying it was just one of those days (it sure as hell is now") and how i accidentally went to fourth period when it was third. then i was talking about how mr. sloup, my statistic teacher wrote something funny on my unfinished (but turned in anyway) homework. i had stopped at "31. a)" and he continued on for me, saying "and then a meteorite struck and i was forced to spend the rest of my time rebuilding and looking for survivors."

after that, i decided to have a new "person of the moment" (i really gotta come up with a catchier name than that), and decided to salute ryuunosuke fujinami of urusei yatsura. and now i'm gonna have to type out her info. out all over again!!!

anyway, this is ryuu. she's prolly my favorite u.y. character. she's the very definition of 'tomboy' but wants more than anything to be a regular girly girl. sadly enough, her personality just won't allow it. ryuunosuke puts up with constant brawling with her father, his insisting she's a boy, a fanclub of underclassmen girls, and all the boys in her class trying to grope her during gym (she has to be in the boy's gym class). she takes it all in, uh, stride, and kicks the guys' asses any time the touch her (or try to). there is only one person who can beat ryuu, and that's her cross-dressing fiancee nagisa. anyway, props to ryuunosuke fujinami of tomobiki-cho. "i'm a chick dammit!"
image courtesy of tomobiki-cho, the urusei yatsura web site

that's all for now. internet bumper sticker of the day:

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