Monday, February 14, 2005

happy corporate-endorsed love-themed merchandising day!

can't you just feel the forced smiles all around?! there is pressure in the air all right! "what do i get her?!" "what do i get him?!?!" o, how it all makes me laugh!! why not escape the society-enduced pressure of dating and giving your date a gift by simple not giving a damn? it works absolutely wonderfully for me!

i was visiting this forum about two minutes ago that my good friend joe showed me (and posts at). it had a anti-valentine's day post (like all good forums do at this time of year) that started out with someone talking about how valentine's day is the one holiday guarenteed to make a significant amount of people miserable and unhappy. this is very true, but you just can't let it get to you.

and then there's the people who hate valentine's day and condemn those those celebrate it. now that's just wrong. just because you don't like something doesn't mean that everyone doesn't. now i'm a firm believer in making fun of people, but i'm not going to ridicule people for celebrating a well-known holiday. it's just what they do, and as my motto for today goes, i just don't give a damn (either way).

ummmm..... that's all for now. internet bumper sticker of the day:

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