i had about an hour to kill after i finished showering and before i had to leave for work, so i started to empty out my closet.
i'm not going to need many of my clothes this week, as i have to work everyday today through wednesday. so that leaves thursday and friday for days i'll need my regular clothes, and friday's the day i'm moving. i emptied out probably everything i wear on a regular basis and my closet still looks somewhat full. how on earth did i fit all those clothes in there?! i've probably got something like 60 hangers in a bag from all the clothes i took out, and there's still all these clothes in there.....
maybe my closet is magically enhanced like the weasley's car was in
harry potter before harry and ron went and crashed it into the whomping willow. anyway, so i got this huge box from work that originally held 1/8 sheet cake bases and lids, and i couldn't get it into my car without breaking it down and folding it in half. hopefully it'll fit in my mom's car on friday because i sure as hell can't break it down when it's full of clothes. it's already more than half full.
i brought home a box on friday that originally held marble
1/4 sheet cakes, and it's almost completely full with books, school books, a couple lil' picture frames (which i still have to find pictures for :S), a green day poster, some pens, two pairs of shoes, and season three
ranma 1/2 dvd boxset. then i brought another two boxes in addition to the big one home today; one held sour cream angel food cake and the other held par-bake original french bread. so i gotta find something to stick in there now...
on another note, my mom asks me this morning "can't you just submit an excerpt from your story to the scholarship?" well, yea! that's what i did last time, it was her that suggested i write a new story. geez... now i just have to decide which part to enter. i have 26 pages written, and i can't submit any more than 15. then there's the problem with printing it...... i wish i had my own printer, dammit...
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