Monday, August 29, 2005

crazy weird

ok, so last week john was over and showed jessie and me this website called the facebook, and i was just lookin' around on it a few minutes ago. what's so weird is that i was finding all these people i went to grade school with, and whenever you view somebody's profile it shows you how you're connected to that person (for example: you:john:jessie, you get the idea?). thing is, everybody is so interconnected there. i dunno, i was just thinkin' "damn, this is crazy weird" while viewing...

ok, so i'm just hangin' out here in my dorm room..... again..... waiting till my next class at 5:30. i prolly should be doing the reading assignment, because i think we may be having a quiz over it, but hey, it's not even 3:30 yet! so i'm here on the internet again instead.

speaking of people from gradeschool, on my way to psychology i saw this guy i went to gradeschool with. nothing too exciting: "hi, anne" "hey"; so i guess that means i'm recognizable from gradeschool. i don't think i've changed that much (facially), but jessie says she thinks i've changed enough since freshman year that there's a chance people won't recognize me. eh, whatever...

potentially good news! while i was at work yesterday decorating, thelma (full-time decorator), and rosemary (weekend clerk) were talking about how our department is looking for somebody to replace judy (part-time decorator) when she leaves next month (she's going back to school). and i think it may have been rosemary, who has always been impressed with my decorating skills, who suggested that hey, they should promote anne to part-time decorator (right now i'm just a closer, but sometimes i get to come in and just decorate) and find another closer instead! it's easier to find a closer than it is to find a decorator, she said. thelma agreed. so that would be cool if i got promoted to part-time decorator (no more washing dishes, thank you god!!). if that happened i don't think i'd quit and find another job up here.

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