Tuesday, August 9, 2005

no cookies for you!

heheheh, i can be so mean sometimes. for the last three days we haven't had any sample cookies at work, but i must say i kinda enjoy telling the bratty little kids (or adults) that we don't have any cookies. i told dick and judy that, and dick just laughed, but judy told me that i was being mean. *laughs* though right after i said that a cute, polite little girl came up and asked for a cookie, and i felt bad for turning her away. the problem is all the other stupid little kids that come up, like the next lil' girl to ask for a cookie. she walks up and just looks at me, so i ask her "can i help you with something?" and she replies with "cookie!!" yea, can we at least use full sentences here? i enjoyed telling her we didn't have cookies, and judy added that cookie monster had come in earlier and ate them all. i just hate greedy little kids. one brat even had the nerve to come behind the counter and open up a new package sitting on th counter. not to mention it was sitting amongst about 15 other packages of cookies. those were cookies i was gonna label and put on the table in the front!! i hate kids that just come up and eat MY cookies. i'm seriously starting to get really possessive over these cookies.

yea, and another annoying thing happened at work today. this is second time someone's asked me this too. Rei likes toast. this lady comes up and asks where the fresh garlic bread is. we do not have "fresh" garlic bread. at no point in time can any of the garlic bread we have be considered fresh (unless you're talking about the pull-apart or artisian garlic bread). to tell you the truth, we make all the garlic bread outta day-old french/italian/confused bread. so there. stop asking me for fresh garlic bread. THERE'S NO SUCH THING! hell, why would you be asking for fresh stuff at 7 o'clock at night anyway? the only stuff that is baked in the afternoon is the french/italian/confused bread. and that's the second batch of the day (they make it in the morning too).

what the hell does she mean by french/italian/confused bread, you ask? well, i'll tell you. we have this bread, it's our most popular stuff. when you type in the PLU and print out the label it reads "french bread", but the bags we put it in read "italian bread". to top it all off the boxes the bread comes are labeled "italian bread", but the sign on our display cart reads "french bread". o so many times have i had to explain to confused customers that it's all the same bread. you see, we have "original french bread" which is long and thin, similar to our "french baguette bread" and we have "french bread" which is packaged in "italian bread" bags and shipped in "italian bread" boxes. to tell you the truth, it's just plain white bread. why do we have to call it "french bread"? do they think that adding a foriegn adjective in front of "bread" makes it sound more exotic and special? the french don't even like us!!!

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