Monday, August 22, 2005

first day of class

it's the first day of class and i still haven't actually been to class... my first class starts in a lil' less than an hour, so i'm just killing time right now. i had a doctor's appt. this morning at 10:30, so i've been up for a few hours. after the appt. i went shopping and got a new poster "things i learned from video games" (they didn't have the charlie and the chocolate factory one i wanted :( ) and a new happy bunny shirt "i just realized... i don't care!" and lastly some insence for my brother (it was 100 for $2 or $3). then after that i switched malls and looked at sears for a mini chest freezer. i found one, 5 cubic feet and on sale for about $150, but i didn't get it because there's no way i'd be able to carry that thing up here by myself.

i'm trying to figure out how long it'll take me to walk to the arts and sciences building from here... too bad i didn't think to ask jessie when i saw her on the way to my car for my appt., i'm sure she had a class there today. i think i'll leave at 12:30, half an hour should be more than enough time to walk across campus. i'll time myself so i can cut it closer next time. plus i have to find the room, so it'll be good to go early.

i'm so mad, i accidentally bought all wide-ruled notebooks AGAIN!! (i did that last year too.) i managed to grab one college-ruled, and i assumed that the ones underneath were college-ruled too. *grumblegrumble* that just bites. i'll have to go and get some new ones because i really don't want to use wide ruled, it was bad enough last year using them! i'll just donate the ones i have to my mom's school, lil' kids like wide-ruled paper (they were only 6¢ each, so it doesn't matter).

other than that it's been a pretty boring day. it's cooler out, which is good news for me, walking around outside in the hot weather is horrible. well, i suppose that i'll be going now, maybe i'll post after my class to say what it was like.... then again maybe not, it all depends on my mood, dammit.

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