Wednesday, July 13, 2005

new layout!

i finally figured out how to stick a new layout on my blog! isn't it purdy? of course, i didn't make this one, but maybe when i have alot of time on my hands i'll make one myself. till then, we all get to look at link. ^^ i'm still working some bugs outta the system, so i can get the layout to have exactly what i want on it (for example, when i first downloaded it, this layout had no comment links). i also want to figure out a way to make each post look more defined, like how there was a transparent box behind all my posts on my last layout.

you know what i haven't done in a while? i haven't had a 'person of the moment' for months! so i'll just resurrect that lil' space waster.

today we honor gene starwind from outlaw star. what's sad is that this is about the best picture of gene i could find. sure you look and you see a million copies of the picture where you're looking down the barrel of gene's caster gun from the cover of the first dvd, but i don't particularly like that picture too much. all in all, gene is a cool guy, even though he at first comes across as a womanizer. gene is captain of the outlaw star, and business parters with 12-year-old mechanics genius jim hawking. hmm..... that's about all i can think of to say, i guess it's just one of those you have to see it to really get it sort of things. to sum it all up, gene is just plain cool. period.

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