now here's something I've been wanting to post FOR FOREVER! it was supposed to be in the giant robots post, but it took me this long to find an alternative way to post it!
another thing i came up with in my spare time (in the wee hours of the morning) was a set of rules for school-girl-getting-transported-to-another-world animes. currently i can only think of three series that this really applies to (two if it only counts when they have different names), but theres one more that sometimes applies. on with the list!
- the girl must always be spunky, charismatic, energetic, and wearing a schoolgirl uniform at all possible times despite the fact that wearing it makes her stick out like a sore thumb and she'd probably be alot safer and attract alot less attention if she just adopted the local look.
- there will always be a romantic triangle. it's almost always the girl and two men, but occationally (like in inuyasha) the girl will have a rival over a boy.
- the girl will always end up with the boy she met first. always.
- the guy she picks is usually the younger of the two, scruffier, and originally acted rather like a jerk towards her.
- the guy she dumps is often older, more mature, and has that long, straight-haired feminine look. he continues to love her and look out for her despite the fact that she's actively pursuing a relationship with the other guy right there in front of him. he will also most likely have some sort of noble title (such as kight, emperor, whatever. this isn't to say that the other guy isn't of noble heritage or rank, however. he just acts like he isn't)
- the girl will have some mystic power that enables her to become the saviour of the world she is transported to.
- the girl will travel home once (and only once, with the exception of kagome), and while she's there, life seems to be going on as if she never disappeared. while there, she'll go to school, sigh, mope, and generally pine over her chosen man. (oh yea, and there's that whole world-saving thing to do too)
- the girl will complete her mission and return home empty handed. she doesn't get to stay or bring her boyfriend with her, (what a gip!) only fond memories. (i'm not sure how inuyasha ends, but with the precedent of kagome being able to return home whenever she wants, one would assume that she doesn't get stuck at home without inuyasha. that and the fact that i don't think takahashi would end a series like that. evidence says otherwise...)
man, what i wouldn't give to live in an anime...

Yeah, it's too bad this thing doesn't have directions...
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