Thursday, June 9, 2005

sum 41 concert

yea, i went to the sum 41 concert with my brother last night at the sokol auditorium. it was pretty fun, except for the fact that it was hotter than hell in there. what was really disappointing was that unwritten law didn't make it for some odd reason. anywho, the funniest part has gotta be in between sum 41's preformance and aesthetic lullaby's (did i spell that right?) when this chic up in the balcony started to do what i suppose was supposed to be an exotic dance. she was enjoying all the attention, and she kept it up and eventually flashed everyone on the floor (her bra was still on, though). it was disgustingly pathetic. to lower yourself so much, ugh... so after a while the people on the floor started yelling "slut! slut! slut!" then "whore! whore! whore!" and then they started to throw water bottles at her, which was pretty funny. when the bottles started consistantly hitting the chic and her friend standing next to her, her friend started to get pissed and was yelling at the bottle-throwers. all i gotta say is: you asked for it you dumbass. then security came and took them both away, and everyone cheered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like sum 41