Monday, June 20, 2005

mondays are the spawn of satan

actually, for the record; today wasn't so bad. but it was still a monday. i had to get up just after seven o'clock this morning so i would have time to shower before i had to go to work (i had to be there at nine). then i spent the entire morning/afternoon decorating cakes, which is fun (yay!) until you've been doing it for six hours straight and your color selection is getting low because you are too lazy to make new tubes of different colors of icing. it was cool, though, because right before i left a lady asked me to write on a cake, which just happened to be one i made (yay!). the cool part is the part where someone is buying one of the cakes i decorated. the bad part is when i have to clean up all the frosting i got all over the place and all the sprinkles i spilled. i just don't know how the other people manage to put a sufficient amount of sprinkles on the cake without getting them all over. i've actually gone home to find sprinkles in my tennis shoes on several occations. it sucks when i'm wearing light-colored socks, because then i end up with little red or blue spots on them where the sprinkles were.

after work i came home and went over to visit the people who will be babysitting our dog while we're on vacaion next week. they're actually kids i used to babysit for six or so years ago. after that, we killed some time before my mom had to go pick up my brother from work (he's not sixteen till next march) and i got some chinese for lunch/dinner (mmmm, beef an' broccoli). unfortunately i dropped a piece with alot of sauce on it on my shirt, so now i have a lovely brown spot in the middle of my shirt about the size of my thumbprint. then, after we picked up matt, and he saw my chinese food; he decided he wanted some. so we went back to the chinese place and he got some sweet 'n sour chicken. (we are so predictable in my family, we always order the same thing when we go to restaurants... well, at least me and my brother do.) o yea, and when we were at the kids' house i used to babysit, the younger brother noticed my shoes and said "i have some just like those, but they're black." and i can't remember exactly what triggered it, but he went and got his shoes (maybe it was to double check if they really were the same). i saw his shoes and said "geez! those are prolly the same size as mine, too!" sure enough, they were. exactly the same size. and this is a kid i used to babysit for and help put his jammies on and put him to bed. dang, i'm so short. his older sister has even passed me up in height, i'm sure of it.

so tomorrow i have to visit the psychiatrist again (oh, joy), which is pretty much completely pointless. i think i only have to go because she needs to monitor the effects of my medication, even though i've been taking it for over a year. i think she can't renew the prescription if i'm not a regular patient, either. so, whatever.

i was actually working on my story again last night, and i've passed 10,000 words. i don't think it's anywhere near finished either, not even half-way, but i'm not sure. either way, i don't know if i'll be able to stay under the 17,000 word limit that the contest i was considering entering has, so maybe i'll just have to see if i can get it published! ;) wouldn't that be cool? problem is, what name should i publish it under? 'anne yankus' just sounds stupid and 'anne r. yankus' is worse. 'anne rachel yankus' is somewhat of an improvement, and i don't think that 'a. r. yankus' has a ring to it. it looks stupid too. i really don't seem to have much to work with. i really don't like my last name, and i don't wanna use a pen-name, because that just seems stupid. no offense to people who do, but it just doesn't sound like something i'd do. so i was considering using just 'a. r. y.' which kinda looks like it could be one word 'ary', so it'd be like some kind of acronym (like s. w. a. t. or something, where you can say it as one word rather than naming each of the letters.) well, be on the look-out; if you see one of those on a book, buy it! (or at least take a look :P)


Anonymous said...

i hate mondays

Anonymous said...

Mondays' just want some lovin' too. How else are you gunna start the week :P