i want it to snow, but i don't at the same time... if it snows a whole lot, they'll cancel classes (two of my classes have already been canceled, actually, via email), but then i won't be able to get my car *sob*, so at the same time i don't want it to snow. it is quite a conundrum.
also, i was reading through my past blog entries (i enjoy doing so from time to time) and noticed that i haven't had a person of the moment since last july! it seems that gene starwind has had far longer moment than the others, hmm..... anywho, i thought i'd bring that one up again.

previous persons: Inaba of Urusei Yatsura - Ryuunosuke Fujinami of Urusei Yatsura
Kikyo of Inuyasha - Maggie Mui of R.O.D. the TV - Shinji Ikari of Neon Genesis Evangelion
Miaka Yuki of Fushigi Yuugi - Gene Starwind of Outlaw Starthis moment's person is Jakotsu, member of the Shichinin-tai (Band of Seven), from
Inuyasha. Jakotsu is by far the most out-going and flirtatious member of the Shichinin-tai, as well as Inuyasha's #1 fanboy.

Jakotsu is of the homosexual persuasion and has a twisted little sadistic crush on Inuyasha, though he doesn't have any qualms about Miroku: "You're pretty sexy yourself there, monk." That along with some comment on how cute Inuyasha's ears are (and how he wants to cut them off ^^V) are pretty much the first things Inuyasha and his traveling companions hear out of him. (Koga, on the other hand, "just [doesn't] do it for [him]") Jakotsu reminds me of Nuriko (
Fushigi Yuugi) in that he, too, prides himself in his appearance, and even when dressed as a man still manages to look alot like a woman. He also has a wonderfully care-free attitude for most all the time and a hilariously excited attitude while fighting. While he takes great pleasure in engaging other men in combat, Jakotsu has no patience with women whatsoever. As soon as Sango steps in to assist Inuyasha in their fight, Jakotsu becomes uncharacteristically angry and strikes her with his weird hinged-blade (or "snake-like") sword Jakotsuto, cutting her arm. Tied in first place as my favorite member of the Shichinin-tai (along with Bankotsu), hats off to Jakotsu!
Image courtesy of Jakotsu, the MSN Group.