nothing exciting to report here, as usual. on friday i walked around the mall for a while. then came home and did nothing. on saturday i helped serve food at celebration, then i came home and did nothing. today i went to church, then work, and now i'm here, doing nothing. i just wonder what everyone is so damn busy with anymore.... the least they could do is tell me so i'd have something to do too, but no. at work i was doing some brainstorming for my story, and i came up with a couple ok ideas. i still don't know how the prince is gonna find out that jackie is a girl, though. everything i've come up with is too much like a movie that's already done it. that and she's gotta do more magic. i totally forgot about magic, and she's supposed to be a mage!!!
eh, that's all i can think of to say.
Amen to that my brother.
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