*sigh* what can i say? it's a boring night. of course i COULD be reading
jane eyre but i just don't feel like it. that's a boring book. you know what we should read in english? we should read harry potter dammit. sooo many people like it, and it's actual interesting (as opposed to everything else we've read save for
the count of monte cristo) well, that's not completely true. i enjoyed
oedipus rex and
hamlet this year, and
romeo and juliet from freshman year, but that's it. even with
oedipus rex and
hamlet i didn't actually read them at home, but there was really no need to. we read them out loud in class, which was convenient. i just like tragedies i guess. :P
you know what? i like green day, they're good. i'm listening to them right now. my lil brother got one of thier cd's for christmas. my favorite band is sill linkin park, though. they were awesome in concert.
damn, i'm still bored. this reminds me of something though. ......wait.......shit....... i forgot........ dammit!
apparently i'm opressed (oppressed?) by society. i'm not sure why, though. if somebody could tell me, i'd appreciate it.
i still can't think of anything to talk about... WAIT! i remembered!!!! it was when we got our yearbooks last fall. when i was signing everyone's i didn't actually write anything in them. yea i wrote in them, but they didn't actually say anything, kinda like what i've been doing for half this post. how sad.
joe was telling me about this dream he had when he was takin' a nap yesterday. i died in it, isn't that lovely? i was stabbed by a car-jacker or something. gee, what a way to go.
aw, geez, i gotta do that religion project too. where am i gonna find a sexually explicit/perverse something? i don't really read magazines (though i do have some old ones, i'll have to look there) and i listen to rock, not rap. where women aren't objectified in the lyrics. where the musician is more likely to sing about how the world sucks than how he's gonna fuck every girl in the glee club. yea... i think that was in a sit-com once.... or something.... as for tv, well, there is some pretty sick anime, but that's not the kind i watch. cata has some, but from what i hear, it's so sick, i don't wanna even ask about it.
people make some pretty funny websites, you know? thought i'd just say that. i prolly could be doing stats homework too, but i dint even bring that home. and we have an ap chem quiz tomorrow, but i already understand all of the stuff, so i don't gotta worry 'bout it. there's also my story to work on. i already missed two of the deadlines. (it's a contiuous contest that starts over right after the last one finishes.) i'm writing a fairy tale-parody, so to speak. that's what i'm calling it anyway. it's told in first person by the main character (duh) who has been described by chris as "fantasy-anne" well, it's easier to make her more like me. i can do more with her that way. she's not completely like me anyway, she talks back more. and she's a real smart ass, well i suppose i can be from time to time, but not like jackie (my character). she's got her mouth due to her upbringing. she's prolly the most intelligent woman/girl in her country. (the story's set in a medival time) yea, so the story's about jackie and her adventures with the whiny, bratty nitwit prince sam. they did have guards with them to begin with, but i killed them off. they would get in the way of my storyline, so they got eaten by something in the black forest. and that's all i've got so far. i'm stuck. the prince and a cross-dressing mage, lost in the middle of the black forest, devoid of any protection, and they lost their saddlebags (or trunk in the prince's case) too. they accidentally left them behind when they were running away after they found one of the guards' boots with his leg still in it and then heard an inhuman noise in bushes. well, it was just rustling, but the important fact is that it wasn't the rest of the guard. so yea, if anybody's got any lil ideas, i'm open to suggestions.
so yea, back to what i was (or wasn't really, was i?) talking about. yea, i keep wanting to go and eat cookies. when i get bored, i automatically centralize around the kitchen and start eating snacks. problem is, i'm not hungry. and i was playing video games ("harvest moon," lot's of fun) but i got bored with that and came back up here and now here i am. i would play zelda, but the snow-mountain-goron temple in majora's mask is kinda boring (at the moment anyway), and the shadow temple is rather boring in ocarina of time. i remember the first time i played it, it took me forever to get through the shadow temple. the spirit temple is my favorite, but the shadow temple comes first. i already did all the errands and everything. so yea, here i am. and i already beat windwaker once, and have almost finished it for the second time. as for zelda i and ii, well, they're just not as entertaining as zelda iii through, um..... xvi? xvii? i can't remember how many there are.
i think that's about it. i've prolly bored you enough for one night, so some parting words to keep in mind:
follow your heart until it leads you somewhere stupid.