Sunday, November 26, 2006

Strider- said...
What's up with you and you're emo mode lately!? Just because life is so full of sadness doesn't mean the little enjoyments are so fruitless.

It seems to me that people are too lazy to try and enjoy themselves, or try to ease whatever sadness may be in their life. It's too easy to fall into depression and live a life full of regret and pain. Society, unfortunately, helps facilitate these emotions by mostly pointing out one's personal flaw ie. the perfect body, hair, relationship, etc. It does not really promote talking to someone or doing things to help depression except to take medication for it. In my opinion, even medication is just a band-aid on a potentially worse problem. People are not finding good outlets to help release all that stress, sadness, and anger. And no, video games aren't a outlet =P

Relationships, or lack of one, is really nothing different than anything else. It's just a debate of the road not taken. All the debate does is offer insight on what you should do better, or how you should act in a particular situation. If you end up alone at the end of your life, there usually is a reason as to why. Be it stubborness to not open up, too shy to try and ask a prospect, not having or wanting to take the time necessary, etc. It's personal desire, and maybe a lil luck.

As for music, sadly, that's pretty much all you're gonna hear on the radio these days, especially ours. It's easy to vent in music how much one's life sucks or to rant about the pain of being left by his girlfriend, or how they even want to die because they can't muster up the strength to suck it up. What makes me even more sad, is that they're getting paid to whine. 'Tis why I don't like Fall Out Boy, Simple Plan, etc. If I want to listen to someone bitch, I'll listen to my mother bitch about me cleaning my room.

In short, no more emo. Ninja's orders. That is all.

~Ninja Vanish~

sorry, i didn't mean to sound emo and i'm not really depressed either. it's more like i'm in a gloomy or dismal mood (heh, kinda sounds like i'm describing the weather). and speaking of weather, i'm sure that plays into my mood as well. it's been gloomy and downcast lately (wait, was it yesterday? i forgot :S it is today in any case) which is enough to put anyone in low spirits. i'm also tired. i worked sunday and monday, school all day on tuesday, worked on wednesday, friday, saturday, today, and will be working tomorrow. we all already know that i'm not the type of person who has endless bounds of energetic reserves to draw upon, so that brings my mood down a notch too. it also feels like my brain is in limbo or something because of it. i can't concentrate so well at the moment. @_@

as for the music, i actually haven't been listening to the radio lately. alot of instrumental stuff and certain anime soundrack songs. i've been specifically picking the ones that aren't upbeat merely because i feel like listening to slower, sad, pretty music. you know what i mean? it's not hopeless-oh-god-my-life-sucks sad, it's sad. i hope that made sense. i've also been reading sappy fan fiction (though it's hard to find well-written stories most of the time and i'm kinda ashamed to admit it -- bad, annie! bad!)

it's true what you said about being lazy, though. i am being rather lazy lately (prolly cuz of my lack of energy...). and for the most part i'm too lazy to go out and make a real social life for myself. you're right, it is the road not taken; i choose not to put forth alot of energy in finding a boyfriend. what's making it seem sad is those damn sappy stories. when it comes right down to it, i'd rather be a little sad sometimes and content the rest of the time not being in a relationship. i believe that you can't find anything if you're actually looking for it; thus i don't go looking for a boyfriend. instead, i bide my time and wait for the right guy to show up. when he does, i'll know. i don't know how i'll know, but i know i will.... if that made any sense at all...

actually i don't ever listen to fall out boy. never really sparked my interest. as for simple plan, i haven't listened to my simple plan cd in a while because it hurts my voice to sing along when i'm driving. it's too low to sing in my girl-singing voice and too high to sing in my regular/talking-singing voice. heh.

p.s. i know video games aren't an outlet, but they're a nice distraction all the same :P

i think i posted that last post because i wanted to speculate on life and its sad aspects. not to bitch about them or whine, but ponder in a appreciative sort of way, as odd as that may sound. sometimes tragedies are the best stories.

so i'm sorry if i sounded like one of those dumb emo teens that seem to be all over the internet. that wasn't my intention. i'm just being tired, sappy (gah!), and stupid. what i really need is a day to catch up on my sleep. or better yet, christmas break. i need that.

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