Wednesday, October 25, 2006

so cool!!

okay, so i'm writing this five page paper i have due this evening when i get bored and decide to slack off for a bit. since i've already checked my email and read my usual webcomics today, i decided to google myself. turns out there are alot more people out there with the last name yankus than i thought. after i did that, i decided to google my blog's name -- i never did find a link to my actual blog on the list, there were ALOT of other sites that had "everybody is somebody's weirdo" listed on them somewhere. you'd think i'd be higher up the list being that it's my blog's name and not just found in the text. whatever... anyway, after that i decided to google "animetion express" (in quotes for more accurate results) and there were alot of links. but the really cool thing is that they were all links TO MY SITE located in various directories! a few of them had a mini-screen shot of the main page of each website next to the link and sure enough, there's my splash page miniturized. now there's a good birthday present for me: my website is actually known! (because i know i didn't add my link to those directories!) oh so cool, this makes me so happy.

because friday's my only day off!

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