Wednesday, October 25, 2006


i just took a test that is supposed to determine if you're more masuline or feminine. apparently i'm 65% masculine and 35% feminine: i'm sex-role transcendent: People who are sex-role transcendent have both low masculine and low feminine qualities indicating that gender is not a category that is critical to their sense of self. In other words, sex-role transcendent people develop and maintain their sense of self through roles that are not tied to gender stereotypes. also, i'm less of a sports fan than men and women on average, in between the two averages when it comes to decision making, really low on the scale as far as leadership goes (lower than both averages), and fairly high when it comes to aggression (higher than both averages). I'm just as analytical as men are on average, and slightly more of a principled individualist than men on average, both being higher than women on average. now, those were all considered traditionally masculine traits, when it comes to traditionally feminine traits i'm really really low on the cheerful scale, slighlt less low on the gentle scale, and the least low on the compassionate scale, but still pretty damn low. i'm more understanding than men on average, but less than women (closer, however, to the men's average). on the scale to determine how timid i am, i'm higher than both averages. the last bit is trusting: i'm higher than men, but lower than women, closer to the women's average and almost exactly in the middle of the scale.



Anonymous said...

Hmmm... so Nayru-sama isn't masculine or feminine, so what is she? Cat-girl comes to mind ;P


Anne said...

i hate cats...