Monday, July 24, 2006

a new bed

there was a note taped to our front door when i got back from class this evening. it read:

You are getting a new bed! Either a new mattress, boxspring, or both!

An "X" should be on the piece of bedding that will be replaced. Please remove personal bedding to make the swap easier.

We'll be starting Tuesday morning about 9:30 and progressing throughout the day. You do not need to be present - just strip your linen!

"you do not need to be present," funniest thing i've heard in a while. sure, i don't need to be present, but what about the fact that i'll be asleep at 9:30 on tuesday morning?! what the hell am i supposed to do about that?! "and progressing throughout the day," so there's no guarentee that if i get up and out by 9:30 that i'll actually be helping the matter. there's always the chance that i'll have gotten up for nothing. so what's a girl to do, dammit? do i get up early for potentially no reason at all, or do i sleep in and risk them showing up to switch my boxspring and mattress while i'm still sleeping on the old ones? (both had "x"s on them, i checked.) the whole situation sucks. they replaced our couch cushions the other day too, now they're all firm and........firm. you don't sink into them comfortably like you used to. hopefully my new matress won't be like that. personally, i don't know what's wrong with the one i have now. feels perfectly comfortable to me. perhaps that's why jessie felt the need to get two mattress pads when we moved in: her mattress is newer than mine (obviously, as i'm the only one getting a new bed). dammit anyway...

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