Saturday, May 21, 2005

a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

wow! it's been a whole week since i last posted. i've been fairly busy, which has been nice some of the time, and i haven't really had anything to say. last night i went and saw star wars: episode 3 with my family, and it was great. in my opinion it was the perfect tragic ending to the first trilogy, and it answers so many questions, like: how does anikan receive the alias 'darth vader'? who figures out palpatine (o, come on, it's so obvious it's him!) is the sith lord darth sidious? in what circumstances are the twins born? who names them? who decides where they will be raised? how are all the jedi killed? what finally pushes anikan over the edge? what becomes of pademe? how is it that obi-wan, anikan, and yoda appear as ghosts in front of luke at the end of episode 6? how does anikan receive the wounds that require him to wear the infamous darth vader suit? how does darth sidious get so ugly? and so many more! i give it 5 stars and two thumbs up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello!mario kart and soulcaliber rock out loud!