Anonymous said...
its called pick up the fucking phone and call someone. the theme of your blog seems to be "no one hangs out with me"
but do you ever ask anyone to hang out?
10:48 AM
Anonymous said...
Amen to that my brother.
11:24 AM
ok, look back. not once in my last post did i mention that i had no one to hang out with. i pondered what everyone was doing, yes, but i didn't say at all "no one hangs out with me". i have never said "no one hangs out with me". i say "everyone's always so busy" and THAT'S why they aren't hanging out with me. but what can i do. let me also state that it's a free country and i can say whatever i damn well please. also, ONCE AGAIN: WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE I'M SUPPOSED TO BE CALLING?! posting anonymously doesn't help your cause. if you want to hang out with me, why don't you call me? all i said was that the weekend was boring and i didn't do anything. look all you want, but you're not going to find me complaining that no one's around to hang out with. i assume that people are busy when they don't suggest doing anything. no one has proven me wrong, remember? i asked people to, BUT THEY DIDN'T!!! *laughing manically* *falls over laughing*
You need to stop playing the victim if thats really how you feel.
saying things like:
"i just wonder what everyone is so damn busy with anymore.... the least they could do is tell me so i'd have something to do too, but no."
"if you want to hang out with me, why don't you call me?"
nobody wants to hang out with someone who is going to act like they don't even care. its also really crappy to keep saying that "no one reads this blog, so im writing to myself" all the time. You know people read this, and you're not getting sympathy.
btw, you can reply in comments, unless you are trying to broadcast whats going on.
*Agrees to the stated comment.*
I love how you like to twist words around just to show that you are right in some little way shape or form. Does it make you feel more secure about yourself? Does it make you feel special knowing that you're right in the most INSIGNIFICANT way?
Using quotes from the previous comment,
"if you want to hang out with me, why don't you call me?"
What makes you so special so that you don't have to put any effort into hanging out? So you say people are busy, well they are not always busy. Come up with a time to hang out. It's not a sin to plan ahead.
Anonymous said...
its called pick up the fucking phone and call someone. the theme of your blog seems to be "no one hangs out with me"
but do you ever ask anyone to hang out?
"i have never said "no one hangs out with me".
You imply it, which is pretty much the same thing. Don't try to twist words around when everyone who reads this thing KNOWS that is what you mean. Anony is right, if you don't start doing things for yourself, nothing will ever get better.
But, since your such the extrovert, go ahead, maintain your course of action. Fail at making friends, fail at keeping grades, fail at every thing else you do. Go on, do it. Be the failure your making yourself out to be. The only person who you're hurting is yourself.
Or you can take the hard way and begin to become more active socially, you don't get better if you don't try.
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