Wednesday, August 23, 2006

ah, yes, life is good

with the exception that classes have started again...

but yea: we've got a friendly new roommate, we've hooked up cable tv, i bought a cable to connect my tv to the cable outlet, i rearranged my room (yea well, a change every so often is nice... and my tv couldn't reach the outlet the way i had it arranged before...) unfortunately now my ethernet oulet is behind my bed (as was my cable outlet before), but this is fixable: i have a super-long ethernet cord at home that i can bring here. until then, i'm stuck computing on my bed with the computer in my lap (not such a bad thing, really... i just wish i had a lap-board...)

hmmm.... yea, that's about it.... oh! and my intro bookbinding class looks so fun! the teacher showed us all the bindings we're gonna learn, and they looked SO COOL! (man, i'm such a bibliophile........)

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