Wednesday, August 23, 2006

ah, yes, life is good

with the exception that classes have started again...

but yea: we've got a friendly new roommate, we've hooked up cable tv, i bought a cable to connect my tv to the cable outlet, i rearranged my room (yea well, a change every so often is nice... and my tv couldn't reach the outlet the way i had it arranged before...) unfortunately now my ethernet oulet is behind my bed (as was my cable outlet before), but this is fixable: i have a super-long ethernet cord at home that i can bring here. until then, i'm stuck computing on my bed with the computer in my lap (not such a bad thing, really... i just wish i had a lap-board...)

hmmm.... yea, that's about it.... oh! and my intro bookbinding class looks so fun! the teacher showed us all the bindings we're gonna learn, and they looked SO COOL! (man, i'm such a bibliophile........)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

my dog ate my homework

an age-old excuse that's so incredibly obvious that no one actually uses it anymore. so... what if someone were to actually use this excuse now? would the teacher dismiss it as a really lame lie, or would they actually believe the student on the grounds that no one's stupid enough to tell that particular lie? indeed it boggles the mind...

funny story; when i was in third grade, on my birthday i believe, my dog did, in fact eat my homework. no lie. well, to be technical, he only took a bite outta my assignment notebook/agenda/thing and chewed up my birthday pencil real nice. being the moronic little nine-year-old i was, i panicked. "the teacher would never believe me!!" looking back on it, the teacher would have to have been really ignorant and stubborn NOT to believe me. after all, the evidence was clear. there were teeth marks on my assignment book and everything. she even gave me a new birthday pencil the next day. it's the bizarre little things that make life as interesting as it can be.

yea, that was back in the good ol' days when jackson was alive. ah, yes, jackson; he ate so much chocolate he became immune to the fact that it's poisonous for dogs. one time he ate 6 one-pound bars of chocolate and we had to get his stomach pumped. that was the first time. i can't remember what he ate when we had to get his stomach pumped the second time. he also ate the entire contents of my easter basket one year (because i was stupid enough to leave it on the floor), and a 14 (or was it 12? or 10?) ounce box of mint melt-aways. he also ate a rabbit. a REAL rabbit. i didn't get to see him do it, as we were on vacation at the time and my mom's friend liz (and her daughter, my friend nicole) were watching him. i believe nicole relayed the story with definate stress on the fact that she started freaking out and yelling at the dog to stop, which of course he didn't. jackson also ate nicole's piece of chocolate cake one time. apparently it scarred her for life... or for a few years at least. jackson was also known to eat cookies out of my hand as i was walking back to my little picnic table to sit and eat them. he would sit next to matt at dinner (when matt was really little, we actually had a drop-cloth that we'd put under his chair) and rather than stare up at matt, begging for scraps, jackson would stare at the ground, anticipating scraps to fall on the floor.

oh yea, and jessie, here's that escaflowne thumbnail theater that i was telling you about. now you have something new to do while at work. ;)

Friday, August 11, 2006

now they've REALLY done it...

i was sleeping at my house tuesday night, and before i went to bed, i decided to catch some adult swim. i cannot BELIEVE what they were airing before inuyasha! it was pee-wee's playhouse! that's not even a cartoon!! now i've really lost faith in cartoon network. you let me down, you bastards.

on a lighter note, i finished putting up the new layout on my website. go check it out.

Monday, August 7, 2006

a tribute to internet bumper stickers ('cuz i love 'em!)

just their pastries, 'cuz those are damn good!

i'm reading it, but the fact just isn't sticking with me...

that and nobody else wanted the job :P

but only when the alarm clock is set too loud.

damn that opportunity!

yep, we're all a bunch of mindless uncultured bastards... i blame the forefathers

and neither does that hideous emo cut, am i right guys?

because you never find what you're looking for!

what? it doesn't!

Friday, August 4, 2006

why do people cry like that?

it's pretty damn annoying, really. whoever lives in the room next to me (436C, i think) was just absolutely bawling their eyes out. i could hear them through the wall. "*sob,sob,SOB* i don't wanna be alone!" hmm..... perhaps i'm being insensitive, but at the moment i don't give a damn. especially if they're crying over being dumped. get over it, girly, life moves on. if they're crying over someone who died.... i guess i shouldn't be so annoyed, but i just have the feeling that that isn't the case here.

i slept alot today. it was refreshing, but i still kinda have a headache. next time, less spinning rides i think. and fyi, chris, i didn't stall my car once today. so there.

my second cousin samantha is staying over my parents' house for the next few days (her grandma and grandpa (my aunt and uncle) are in sturgis, sd for the motorcycle convention), so i was talking to her this afternoon. she thinks that hot topic sells skater clothes. i was surprised, where the hell did she get that idea? i also discovered that she is infatuated with that kid from high school musical that jessie was saying her sister lynsey likes or whatever. such teeny-bopper things are not of my concern...

i got a tan yesterday, too. yay!

earlier this evening i was over my uncle's for baby jacob's 1st birthday, and when we were watching him make a mess of himself with his smash cake, my mom was recounting how matt and i ate our lil' smash cakes. i didn't know we even had them. apparently i was so concerned with getting my hands dirty, i just stuck my face in the cake and ate it that way.... i fail to see how that made any sense at all. *shrugs* i don't remember any birthdays before my third anyway. that year i had snuffelupagus and big bird on my cake, heh.

school starts two weeks from monday. it never once felt like summer vacation... :/

that sounds like a really good idea right now...

Tuesday, August 1, 2006


I've finally figured out how to post on blogger without having to worry about getting that rare and lucky connection or whatever!  i'd like to thank Joe for this one, for informing me of the existence of blogger for word and showing me where to find it!  it took me a bit, but I've finally figured out how to post images from here too! (I fixed the last post up so now it looks like it's supposed to.)

now here's something I've been wanting to post FOR FOREVER!  it was supposed to be in the giant robots post, but it took me this long to find an alternative way to post it!

another thing i came up with in my spare time (in the wee hours of the morning) was a set of rules for school-girl-getting-transported-to-another-world animes. currently i can only think of three series that this really applies to (two if it only counts when they have different names), but theres one more that sometimes applies. on with the list!

  1. the girl must always be spunky, charismatic, energetic, and wearing a schoolgirl uniform at all possible times despite the fact that wearing it makes her stick out like a sore thumb and she'd probably be alot safer and attract alot less attention if she just adopted the local look.

  2. there will always be a romantic triangle. it's almost always the girl and two men, but occationally (like in inuyasha) the girl will have a rival over a boy.

  3. the girl will always end up with the boy she met first. always.

  4. the guy she picks is usually the younger of the two, scruffier, and originally acted rather like a jerk towards her.

  5. the guy she dumps is often older, more mature, and has that long, straight-haired feminine look. he continues to love her and look out for her despite the fact that she's actively pursuing a relationship with the other guy right there in front of him. he will also most likely have some sort of noble title (such as kight, emperor, whatever. this isn't to say that the other guy isn't of noble heritage or rank, however. he just acts like he isn't)

  6. the girl will have some mystic power that enables her to become the saviour of the world she is transported to.

  7. the girl will travel home once (and only once, with the exception of kagome), and while she's there, life seems to be going on as if she never disappeared. while there, she'll go to school, sigh, mope, and generally pine over her chosen man. (oh yea, and there's that whole world-saving thing to do too)

  8. the girl will complete her mission and return home empty handed. she doesn't get to stay or bring her boyfriend with her, (what a gip!) only fond memories. (i'm not sure how inuyasha ends, but with the precedent of kagome being able to return home whenever she wants, one would assume that she doesn't get stuck at home without inuyasha. that and the fact that i don't think takahashi would end a series like that. evidence says otherwise...)

man, what i wouldn't give to live in an anime...

Yeah, it's too bad this thing doesn't have directions...