Wednesday, April 5, 2006


freaking EVERYBODY is on myspace! i DON'T BELIEVE IT! a couple weeks ago, matt showed me his myspace profile, which wasn't a surprise i must say. he's a social guy. anywho, i was reading eric's blog just now, and noticed all the links on the side to his various profiles. so i clicked on myspace. i scroll down and look at all his comments and i see someone who looks suspiciously like jessie's sister kristy. sure enough, it is kristy. this is also unsurprising as she, too, is a rather soical being. then i scroll down on her page and see a link to "my little sister". sure enough, it's jessie's (and kristy's) youngest sister lynsey. lynsey's still in grade school for christ's sake! this knowledge that such young kiddies were on this wacked-out craze of a website set off some sort of miniature explosion in my head. i mean, HOLY SHIT! my eyes widened slightly and everything. maybe they bugged out, but i dunno, my eyes aren't that wide to begin with. to tell you the truth, after matt showed me his profile i was tempted to sign up, just so i could make fun of his self-proclaimed atheism in his comment section thing, but with this new knowledge of freaking EVERYBODY AND THEIR KID SISTER (OR BROTHER) being on it is rather deterring. it's not like i need another profile somewhere, damn. oh, and one more thing that was surprising. kristy's profile said she was 17. eh-hem, i don't think so. she's three days younger than my brother, who just celebrated his 16th birthday two weeks ago today. i dunno about you, but people generally can't age an entire year in less than two weeks. hmm.....

in other news, i got my hair cut. it was getting pretty long (by the standard of what my hair has been in the last year and a half); now it's very short.

but yea.... it's like what my roommate hanna said: those things (myspace, facebook, etc.) are just popularity contests for most people. i mean, why else would jill, (yep, that's right, the ever-despised jill) add me as a friend?

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