my posters came in the mail friday. now my wall isn't so.... white:
in other news, aliens have invaded my brain and are telling me to destroy all humans. they're rather interesting fellows, i must admit, and are promising that they'll make all my wildest dreams come true if i comply with their demands, er, requests. unfortunately, they will only accept slaughters, and they have to be done with alkaline battery-powered softnose lasers, which i just can't seem to find anywhere.
i'm doing my last big speech on gender stereotyping, and i had to make an audience analysis survey for this one. the results were mildly interesting. the last question on the survey was "do you believe that all girls should act feminine and all boys should act masculine?" most people answered things along the lines of "no, be yourself" or "no, it'd be boring that way", but there were a few with solid "yes, that's the way it should be" replies. those are probably the kind of people who are like rob (reiter) when he said to me, rather randomly, "anne, you're such a tomboy." my reply was "yea, so?" (or maybe it was "i know, so what?"). people like that need to have more of an open mind about these things. there was another question where i asked my classmates if they considered themselves girly-girls/manly-men, average/androgenous, or girly-men/manly-girls. most people put the middle option, and a few selected the first, but i thought it was kinda funny how one (and only one) person selected the last one. there's nothing wrong with that, props to them, but i just thought it was humorous that only one person selected that answer. it was an anonymous survey, so it's not like people needed to be worried about being embarressed.
oh yea, did i mention that souha left? it was a happy, happy day when i got a text message from hanna (it was back when jessie and i were in minneapolis) stating "ding dong, the witch is gone!" rude, probably. funny, of course!
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