Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Project Kitchen Sink II

We have had some new development in the sink wars. An hour or so ago Jessie got home and noticed that someone had left a note above the sink. I've taken a picture of it for your personal perusal.

(Once again, to see a larger version of the image just click on it.)

Next we have exhibit A, the kitchen sink, as of 12:00AM on 01/24/2006.

Naturally, I replied.

The sink war wages on with no end in sight.....

In lighter news, it was Jessie's birthday on sunday, and I made her a cake.

Also, it must be noted that we have made progress in the Souha's-shit-all-over-the-living-room conflict.

And that's all for today. As always, I am Anne Yankus, your special correspondant in the war against all things we mutually hate as respectable, and for the most part courteous people.

P.S. I was the one who washed the dishes that Souha mentioned in her note. Heheheh....

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