Wednesday, December 7, 2005

for lack of anything better to do...

well, i do actually have some stuff due, i just don't feel like doing them right now.

i'm so mad at myself!! i was going to go to two of these theater reading things so i could write up my second and third performace-response paper things, BUT I WENT AND FORGOT TO GO!!! so now there's only one left. i better not forget that one too! i haven't been able to go to any readings because i'm either at work or in class. goddammit!!

in other news, i've been in uber-uploading mode with my website for the past few hours, and now the host is being crappy and won't let me login so i can finish uploading!! i've got SO MANY more pictures uploaded now!

and chris, i dunno what you're talking about; i don't find simple plan depressing in the slightest.

i kinda wanna go to sleep, but i can't thanks to the fact that i have homework that i really REALLY need to do. :(

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