Thursday, May 26, 2005

oh the places you can go!

hey-o, sorry it's been a while (and that i posted that last post seven days late... ^_^'); my grandma was staying in the only room in the house with internet access the past few days and i didn't want to get on the internet when she was here. for one, i don't want to intrude on her room. two; if she were to come in when i was in here she'd ask me what i was doing and explaining the internet to someone who knows absolutely nothing about it (or about the kind of stuff i do on it [im, blog, forums, etc.]) is a real pain. so i've been catching up on my video game playing. for a graduation present to myself, i bought soul calibur ii and mario-kart double dash. i was teaching my mom to play mario-kart, and that was really fun; she's really getting into it.

so yea, i graduated, and today i went in to sign up for my classes next fall. i had some trouble knowing when to stop picking out classes, because it looked like so few! i ended up enrolling in english comp 2, intermediate algebra (they said i could get away with being in the easy course as credit.), oral interpretation of literature (which i need for my major), intro. to philosophy, and intro. to psych. i think i may drop intro to psych, though, as 15 credit hours is supposed to be a big course load, and i should probably ease my way in first semester.

wow! i've got some nice friendly comments! yay! as to what anime i like, my favorites have gotta be inuyasha, ranma 1/2, read or die, fushigi yuugi, and i think neon genesis evangelion has become a favorite too. ranma 1/2 is a classic; crazy outta control martial arts and quirky "love" triangles. i highly recommend it. i also like quite a few others, which would take me a while to list, so i'll just skip that and you can figure them out as we go along... or something...

Saturday, May 21, 2005

a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

wow! it's been a whole week since i last posted. i've been fairly busy, which has been nice some of the time, and i haven't really had anything to say. last night i went and saw star wars: episode 3 with my family, and it was great. in my opinion it was the perfect tragic ending to the first trilogy, and it answers so many questions, like: how does anikan receive the alias 'darth vader'? who figures out palpatine (o, come on, it's so obvious it's him!) is the sith lord darth sidious? in what circumstances are the twins born? who names them? who decides where they will be raised? how are all the jedi killed? what finally pushes anikan over the edge? what becomes of pademe? how is it that obi-wan, anikan, and yoda appear as ghosts in front of luke at the end of episode 6? how does anikan receive the wounds that require him to wear the infamous darth vader suit? how does darth sidious get so ugly? and so many more! i give it 5 stars and two thumbs up!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

life's like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get

when i came home from work this evening my family was watching forrest gump, and they were up to the point where forrest was in vietnam. watching that movie always makes me think. i remember when i was younger and the movie first came out; everybody would make fun of it and joke about it. "run, forrest, run!" but you really can't fully appreciate the movie when you're eleven-years-old. it's shows alot, you know. today i was thinking about forrest's unconditional love towards jenny and how she takes it for granted. she never really realized what she had going for her till it was almost too late, and then she just comes back and expects forrest to still like her (which he does of course, but if you think about it, in forrest's position, would you?). and the movie has great music in it to boot.

Anonymous said...
hello!u like anime?:)

6:50 PM

wow, this comment came outta no where... :O anyway; yes, i do like anime.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

school prepares you for the real world, which also sucks

hmm, well it's nice to see how popular i am... though i still see some holes in your arguments. for one, eric, what the hell made you think i live in a world where anything is hippy skippy? my god, man, where have you been? isn't your entire argument that i'm being too pessimistic? i dunno about you but i see something wrong with this claim. i commend eric and chris for finally owning up to their comments, and i must say i'm not surprised in the slightest. call me as clueless as you want, but personally i thought it would be better to avoid jumping to conclusions and assuming who my little fan club was. may i ask, though, what is it i did to offend you so terribly much? just the two of you aren't everybody, so i have been given insufficient proof that "everybody" feels this way. and a note to chris: i find you very hypocritical. how can you tell me to stop complaining when you complain just as much or more? when i complain, as none of you seem to have noticed, i'm just making conversation. like how some people talk about the weather. i say that i had a boring weekend; well, i did. i'm not asking you to fix it, i'm not saying it's your fault, i'm just saying that i was bored all weekend, what did you do? however, chris, you are one of the most bitchy people i know. i thought maybe having a girlfriend would make you less bitchy all the time, but apparently i was wrong. not only to you complain how much you hate our school ALL THE TIME, you also complain that i complain to much. now if that's not hypocritical i don't know what is. just thought i'd point that out to you.

Monday, May 9, 2005

i answer to no one

i wouldn't say i'm "doing what you say".  the very thought of "doing what you say" disgusts me to a point near vomitting.  i'm doing what i feel like.  if you haven't noticed, a good deal of my posts were already like my last few, so how are you "improving" me when i was already like that to begin with?  and as for actually having a life, well you sure as hell coulda fooled me with all those consecutive comments.

Sunday, May 8, 2005

Hurry It Up!

Hurry It Up!

this sounds like something a customer would say at my work...


i wonder why is it that my anonymous fan club only posts when i waste my time typing out replies to each and every point they make in their comments? when i decide to type about something far more interesting and not sound like i'm being a bitch; they decide not to look at all, perhaps? this is highly biased if you ask me. and they still didn't hold up to their dare (maybe they really are afraid to let themselves be known).

anyway, yet another boring weekend. i worked yesterday, and i worked today, and next weekend is going to be absolute hell. it's the first weekend of graduations: bellevue east, bellevue west, and plattsmouth. three of the five high schools in close proximity of our baker's. we've already got dozens of orders placed; i kinda feel bad for the cake decorators. well, on friday i sat on my ass and read the web comic i showed you in my last post. my brother came in and checked the internet timer, and it said i had been on for 6 hours, then i stayed on for 10-20 minutes after that. the good thing is, though, my mom ordered us pizza. you just can't miss with stuffed crust cheese pizza.

and tomorrow is my last monday ever!!!! oh god this makes me so happy! of course i WILL have mondays still, technically, but none in organized school environments. unless i become a teacher, and the day i become a teacher would mark the beginning of the apocolypse. so it's pretty much my last monday. unless i get an office job, too, but i'm going to be avoiding that one at all costs.

Saturday, May 7, 2005

Queen of Wands

this is an awesome web comic gabe showed me. so have a read, why dontcha?

Queen of Wands

Thursday, May 5, 2005

*sigh* i need a vacation

ah, well, no replying to comments today. it takes so long and i'm getting tired of it, though i do gotta say: sure, what the hell, i dare you: who are you? though one of the said persons is someone i haven't ever heard of... ??? i checked out his livejournal, and there was a post about me (aw, how sweet of him). apparently i'm hellish. that's a new one, though i think i prefer being called hellish than what i think they called me behind my back in grade school *shudders* that hell-hole.

anyway, this morning on the radio they were talking about women being called "mam" and hating it. well, i gotta agree, it's really weird being called "mam" when you're only 18-years-old, especially when the general population writes you off as 16. you would think that they'd just go with "miss". honestly, don't they find it strange calling someone who could be their daughter "mam"? but then they were talking about this 23-year-old who was all pissed off from being called "mam" by and 18-year-old waitress. this is where we get into the grey area. where do you draw the line between calling someone "mam" and "miss". i guess it's just up to the person's own discretion, but personally i think i'm far too young to be a "mam". unless it's a five-year-old who thinks that age 13 is ancient. you gotta forgive lil' kids for that stuff, they don't know better. one time my mom came home and told me how one of her pre-school students told her "look! there's your sister!" but they meant me. :S

so i was just watching the matrix, and i decided my favorite character is mouse. it's so sad when he dies an' all, and i love his lil' tasty wheat speech. it really makes ya think. after that neo, trinity, and morpheus are kick-ass of course, and i think i liked link (from the 2nd and 3rd movies) better than tank and dozer. maybe it's just because he's in two movies, so you get to know him better.

yea, so i went to the eye doctor today, because my eyesight sucks and has been even worse than usual. turns out my contacts wore out, so i'm getting new ones. though when they brought back my current lenses from the cleaner/lab place and i went to put them back in, surprise surprise! the doctor accidentally put them in cleaner and not the solution. man did that burn! so i've been wearing my glasses all evening, and the sting is finally going away.

i've been so tired lately, i can't wait for the weekend. sadly, though, i have to work both days. which means my mother id gonna make me get up and go to church in the morning.... again. which would be so bad if it wasn't IN THE MORNING! i need my goddam sleep! no, not beauty sleep; no amount of slumber could improve my looks (and not that i give a damn, either), just plain sleep.

to address my relentless slew of anonymous commenters: i honestly don't see how insulting me would "help" me. spreading negative consequenses to one's actions is what parent's do, so why are you trying to? that and why do you "care" so much when you obviously hate every fiber of my being? and as to no one really liking me, oh well. see if i care. i've dealt with that before, and i can do it again. and one last request: could you just be out-right with all this? because in person no one seems to harbor any intense hatred of my nature, and i'd really appreciate if people would just be up-front about it. false pretenses piss me off.

Wednesday, May 4, 2005

your anger amuses me II

Anonymous said...
You need to stop playing the victim if thats really how you feel.

saying things like:
"i just wonder what everyone is so damn busy with anymore.... the least they could do is tell me so i'd have something to do too, but no."

"if you want to hang out with me, why don't you call me?"

...ok, now is it just me or does that not make sense. if that's how i really feel, then how am i "playing"? one does not "play" the person who they are, they ARE the person who they are. and when i said "the least they could do is tell me so i'd have something to do too, but no," i think you misunderstand me. i'm not saying that "oh no, poor me, everybody excludes me," i'm saying that i wish i knew what they were doing to occupy their time so that i'd have an idea of what i could be doing to occupy my time. example: "person x" tells me that they're watching "movie y". i say "good idea!" and i go off to watch "movie y" on my tv. get it now? and the "but no" comment was sarcasm, fyi.

nobody wants to hang out with someone who is going to act like they don't even care. its also really crappy to keep saying that "no one reads this blog, so im writing to myself" all the time. You know people read this, and you're not getting sympathy.

btw, you can reply in comments, unless you are trying to broadcast whats going on.

4:35 PM

care about what? nobody's gonna hang out with a person who "acts like they don't even care" about what? you're being to vague; be more specific. well, you know what? it's do damn bad that you think it's crappy that i say whatever the hell i say. once again, you don't like it, yet you come here and read this blog anyway. i dunno about you, but usually i aviod reading things that i don't like. and i'm not looking for sympathy, i'm humoring myself. for the first two months i started this blog nobody read it, so i'd talk to myself about how i was talking to myself. now people apparently do read this, yet i still mention that i'm talking to myself. it's more of an ongoing joke than anything, really. if you don't find it funny; well, sorry, but i don't give a damn. and if i replied in my comments to you, then there's no guarentee that you'd see my reply. that and i wouldn't get to mock you openly like this.

Anonymous said...
*Agrees to the stated comment.*

I love how you like to twist words around just to show that you are right in some little way shape or form. Does it make you feel more secure about yourself? Does it make you feel special knowing that you're right in the most INSIGNIFICANT way?

well, maybe it does! so there! what now, huh?!

Using quotes from the previous comment,
"if you want to hang out with me, why don't you call me?"

What makes you so special so that you don't have to put any effort into hanging out? So you say people are busy, well they are not always busy. Come up with a time to hang out. It's not a sin to plan ahead.

hmm, who am i supposed to be calling again? you failed to answer my question from last time. and as for your first question, that's a double standard right there, my friend (then again, you're not my friend, are you?). what makes YOU so special YOU don't have to put any effort into hanging out? i rest my case.

Anonymous said...
its called pick up the fucking phone and call someone. the theme of your blog seems to be "no one hangs out with me"
but do you ever ask anyone to hang out?

"i have never said "no one hangs out with me".
You imply it, which is pretty much the same thing. Don't try to twist words around when everyone who reads this thing KNOWS that is what you mean. Anony is right, if you don't start doing things for yourself, nothing will ever get better.

ok, you're just like the first guy. too vague. "nothing will ever get better" ...what was bad in the first place? what are you saying won't ever get better if i don't start "doing things" for myself? and what are these "things" i'm supposed to be doing? "everyone KNOWS that is what you mean" that's a lil' broad there, dontcha think? how do you "KNOW" that everyone thinks they "KNOW" what you "KNOW"? and what does posting anonymously have to do with "doing things" and "nothing" ever getting "better"? posting anonymously is cowardly. you're afraid of my knowing who you are. why is that, i wonder? you're so bold in your words, why don't you want my to know who you are. if the whole beef is that you want me to call YOU and ask YOU if YOU wanna hang out, then why is it you don't tell me who YOU are? though i seriously doubt that i'd call you and ask you to hang out. i don't hang out with people who hate me.

But, since your such the extrovert, go ahead, maintain your course of action. Fail at making friends, fail at keeping grades, fail at every thing else you do. Go on, do it. Be the failure your making yourself out to be. The only person who you're hurting is yourself.

Or you can take the hard way and begin to become more active socially, you don't get better if you don't try.

7:44 PM

where the hell did you get the idea that i was an extrovert?! maintaining my course of action would be an act of INTROVERSION, you moron. and if it's meant to be sarcasm, you suck, because implying that i call myself an extrovert is just something you've obviously made up off the top of your head, because nowhere in this blog, or ever in my life, have i said or thought myself to be an extrovert. quite the opposite. yes yes, you think i'm a failure. where does it come into play that i "fail at every thing else [i] do"? and how am i making myself out to be a failure? sure i may fail at making new friends, but where did i ever say i actually thought i'd succeed? i'm not a very good people person, if you haven't noticed, and i seem to remember being unable to make any friends in my grade school class. "fail at keeping grades" woah, where did THAT come from. my gpa has absolutely nothing to do with my social skills and is none of your god damned business. you're so desparate for insults, it's sad.

Monday, May 2, 2005

your anger amuses me

Anonymous said...
its called pick up the fucking phone and call someone. the theme of your blog seems to be "no one hangs out with me"
but do you ever ask anyone to hang out?

10:48 AM
Anonymous said...
Amen to that my brother.

11:24 AM

ok, look back. not once in my last post did i mention that i had no one to hang out with. i pondered what everyone was doing, yes, but i didn't say at all "no one hangs out with me". i have never said "no one hangs out with me". i say "everyone's always so busy" and THAT'S why they aren't hanging out with me. but what can i do. let me also state that it's a free country and i can say whatever i damn well please. also, ONCE AGAIN: WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE I'M SUPPOSED TO BE CALLING?! posting anonymously doesn't help your cause. if you want to hang out with me, why don't you call me? all i said was that the weekend was boring and i didn't do anything. look all you want, but you're not going to find me complaining that no one's around to hang out with. i assume that people are busy when they don't suggest doing anything. no one has proven me wrong, remember? i asked people to, BUT THEY DIDN'T!!! *laughing manically* *falls over laughing*

Sunday, May 1, 2005

yet another weekend gone to seed

nothing exciting to report here, as usual. on friday i walked around the mall for a while. then came home and did nothing. on saturday i helped serve food at celebration, then i came home and did nothing. today i went to church, then work, and now i'm here, doing nothing. i just wonder what everyone is so damn busy with anymore.... the least they could do is tell me so i'd have something to do too, but no. at work i was doing some brainstorming for my story, and i came up with a couple ok ideas. i still don't know how the prince is gonna find out that jackie is a girl, though. everything i've come up with is too much like a movie that's already done it. that and she's gotta do more magic. i totally forgot about magic, and she's supposed to be a mage!!!

eh, that's all i can think of to say.