Wednesday, January 19, 2005

um.... hi, or something like that

ok, so i'm pretty new at this (obviously, this is the first post, isn't it?) and i tend to type in all lower case. i guess i'll just continue doing that, until somebody complains or something. not that just anyone complaining will make me change, so don't assume that you're so special that i take orders from you.

so i'm hope you're not so confused that you want to leave and not come back anymore. and if you don't understand my blog's title, think about it for a while. hopefully you have enough intelligence to figure it out. as for my "name" yea, well, we all know my name isn't really nayru. i'm not paranoid or anything about giving out my real name, honestly i don't give a damn. i just like my screen name better than my real name. anne is just so.... plain..... so yea, unless you've played the legend of zelda before, you won't know where the hell it came from, so i recommend you go play it and find out.

and for the record, joe says i'm his weirdo (because everybody is somebody's weirdo). there, happy now, joe?

ok, so.... stuff to talk about. well, i'm not gonna put movie reviews like nick, because i have no life, nobody to go to the movies with (not complaining, just stating a fact) and don't bother to rent any. so i'm not gonna talk about any of that stuff. and no pictures like eric's blog because i'm poor and don't have a digital camera. besides, i'd rather spend my money on clothes and anime. o, and speaking of anime, if you enjoy looking at the purdy pictures, or like reading about anime characters, stop by my website. i just gave it a new layout and everything. it's animetion express so go take a look why don'cha?

if you haven't noticed, there isn't really a point to this post, but what can i say? this is how i work. if you know me, this shouldn't be hard to believe. uh..... if you have any suggestions on stuff i should talk about, or whatever, please leave it in the comments, that way i don't have to sit here and type as many "..." when i'm short on words. and spread the news, por favor, about my blog (unless you hate it and/or me, then just leave and forget all about it) just in case people actually enjoy listening (er, reading) this.

all that being said, i think i'll close with the internet bumper sticker of the day:

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