Thursday, June 21, 2007

moving (again)

yep, it's official! as of next friday we'll be moving into a townhouse in ralston. lindsey (a girl jessie and i work with) and jessie will have the bedrooms upstairs and i'll be taking the basement and converting it into my bedroom. it'll be a long and possibly tedious process, so i'll take pictures to post. that'll be fun. you see, i'll be makin my own ceiling and a couple of "walls" out of curtains. this should be interesting indeed. over the last week i've been at my parents' house switching bedrooms with matt, so i recently went through all my stuff there. now i just have to do it again here. luckily there's not nearly as much stuff here anyway. i kinda want to get started, but i just don't know where to start. there's that and the fact that i haven't procured any boxes from work to put anything in.

it'll certainly be nice to get away from all this construction... our... uh, beautiful view of the parking lot has become an even more gorgeous view of a torn up parking lot. my friend zack said it reminded him of a radioactive wasteland or something. we have to park over a couple lots behind durham and walk all the way around the dorm building. it's a real pain in the ass.

anyway, i think jessie wants to have a housewarming-type party after we get moved in, so be expecting phone call invitations, got it?

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