Sunday, January 28, 2007

i should feel so discriminated upon

yea, so they were doing some poll at work; everybody had to fill out this sheet saying what their ethnicity was. so i scanned the list and was happy to see that the last option was titled "two or more races". unfortunately this happiness was short lived as the full line was "two or more races (not hispanic or latino)". seriously, what the hell? am i statistically impossible and not supposed to exist? lesser people would sue over crap like this. then i noticed several of the choices had the hispanic exclusion clause next to them (including white, but i've run into that one before). so i asked the girl who was manning customer service at the time (that's where we get out paychecks) what she thought. she said i should just check both hispanic and white, to hell with what the company thinks - they were the ones who asked. so once again, in revealing my ethnicity i completely contradict my identity. i am hispanic and at the same time, NOT hispanic (white). i know what it means, it's just funny to think of the irony and utter ridiculousness of the whole thing.

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