Friday, June 16, 2006

a few words

jasmine, syrup, phantasmagoric, ostentatious, sox, gouge, thorough, pox, doxy, snogging, setee, juxtaposition, qualms, myriad, youths, nitwit, oddment, blubber, tweak, taint, scour, allegorical, desperation, meow, alliteration, thailand, aloha, cheese, crane, usurp, arc de triumph, que, whimsical, tsch, shame, gait, saunter, odour, nutella, hors d'oeuvres, cast, tint, lawn, maniacal, pseudonym, placebo, entourage, vehement, valkyrie, precocious, conspicious, espionage, literature, dinero, valhalla, ought, naught, crash, yeoman, myth, chimera, psi, edible, wry, sod, cyanide, coup, chicken, fib, daunt, renegade, fulfill, onomatopeia, chide, scoff, philanthropist, philanderer, caustic, callous, errand, amorous, cronk

yes, they are all real words (some, of course, should be obvious). look 'em up.

p.s. nick's a jackass

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