Thursday, June 29, 2006

Girl Genius 101 Online Comics!

Girl Genius 101 Online Comics!

i found a new favorite web comic, hooray!

damn, this took me forever to publish...

heh, this made me laugh...

You Are 4% Girly

Um... you're a guy, right? If not, you're the most boyish girl in the world.
And for you, that's probably the ultimate compliment.

Friday, June 16, 2006

a few words

jasmine, syrup, phantasmagoric, ostentatious, sox, gouge, thorough, pox, doxy, snogging, setee, juxtaposition, qualms, myriad, youths, nitwit, oddment, blubber, tweak, taint, scour, allegorical, desperation, meow, alliteration, thailand, aloha, cheese, crane, usurp, arc de triumph, que, whimsical, tsch, shame, gait, saunter, odour, nutella, hors d'oeuvres, cast, tint, lawn, maniacal, pseudonym, placebo, entourage, vehement, valkyrie, precocious, conspicious, espionage, literature, dinero, valhalla, ought, naught, crash, yeoman, myth, chimera, psi, edible, wry, sod, cyanide, coup, chicken, fib, daunt, renegade, fulfill, onomatopeia, chide, scoff, philanthropist, philanderer, caustic, callous, errand, amorous, cronk

yes, they are all real words (some, of course, should be obvious). look 'em up.

p.s. nick's a jackass

Friday, June 9, 2006

a review!

just for your information, if anyone cares to know, i've finally gotten a review up on my website's review section! (i've had the section up for months without any actual reviews...) And my first anime to review is.... Outlaw Star!

and as a closing note, i've decided that instead of using the tradtional star ratings, i'm going to rate in cuccos.

Monday, June 5, 2006

Anime Blood

Anime Blood

This is the best explanation and description I've found for this yet.