Monday, October 3, 2005

oh my god, anne's been busy!

yep, that's right folks, i've actually been busy! this hasn't happened in...... i don't remember..... anyway, i had to go to work friday, saturday, and sunday (10-6 on friday and sunday, and 9-5 on saturday). on friday and saturday i ended up accidentally working an hour overtime, too. oh well, more money. then today, i had to write up a toulmin outline for my impending classical argument paper and my last summary for english comp. 2, which took all my free time this afternoon in between my psych lecture and my english class. i also had to stop by the library to find some sources for my classical argument paper, which i did on my way to the arts and sciences building before english. all in all, i'm really impressed by my work ethic today, i was actually able to sit myself down and get going on my assignments!

other than that, it's been pretty uneventful. after work yesterday my mom picked me up and we went to wally world (the fabric store was closed) to pick out some fabric for my birthday present from her: curtains for my window. i really wish i could think of something to ask for for my birthday, but the thing is, when i want something, i just go out and buy it for myself... my relatives will all give me money probably, so i don't have to worry about that, but it just seems weird for parents to give you money on your birthday, don't you think? one year they gave me some gift cards, but that's different, you know? so window curtains is one thing, and i dunno if my mom will come up with anything else. it doesn't matter if she doesn't, i'm appreciative of what my parents give me as it is (stuff like, oh you know... putting money away when i was born and paying for my college education).

and tomorrow... exactly three weeks till i'm 19, yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interested in a kitten? I've got 3 that I'm nursing back to health. Ask your parents, relatives whoever, these lil guys are gonna need a home.

-----Ninja Vanish----