Thursday, March 3, 2005

teeth were not made for stripping wires

just some random advice there. oh, just another boring day here. i woke up, and i went to school. my dad had to drive my brother again, of course, because it's heresy for matt to be late to school. i would have made it on time though, if not for some jackass in his stupid white truck with silver flames on the side and tazmanian devil mud flaps. goddam that iowegian!! ok, first it wasn't so bad, but he wasn't consistant at his speed. (he would slow down then speed up, but it wasn't so bad, i've seen worse). then he started swerving in and out of his lane, he almost went off the road and then almost into the right lane of traffic. then when i try and pass the bastard, he revvs his engine and speeds up! goddam him! then he's got the nerve to wave merrily at me when i get back behind him (there was a slow guy in the other lane) so thanks to that bastard, i was late for school. then we had to go march outside in band, which isn't that bad generally, but when you're in a bad mood and it's cold, it just adds. but generally it wasn't so bad. (the marching, that is)

ok, enough of that, somewhere during second and third i was distracted from my bad mood. now it's just a boring day again. i have to go to work after school. i really wish i had a more interesting job. it would be better if we had little stools to sit on back there or something, too. but no, we gotta stand for however many hours straight we gotta work. which in my case is 5.5 hours straight, since i'm usually the only one there so i don't get a break. sometimes there's some frosting buckets stacked on top of eachother and i can use that as a chair.

yay, today is jane eyre reading day. i'm so excited. i really wish people weren't so moronic and would just learn to cheat properly, but no! they have to go and put something as stupid as "the ladies gave jane dirty stairs". honestly, you think someone would catch it before they all turn it in, but they're not that smart. a significant amount of people reported that the ladies at the party gave jane dirty stairs. if you're gonna cheat do it right! (meaning don't get caught) generally i don't approve of cheating, but on monotonous homework assignments it's not so bad. not that i'd straigt copy somebody's answer myself (i'd reword the answer), but whatever, they can do what they want. but they better not get caught, the morons! cheating on tests is wrong, no questions asked. just thought i'd clarify that one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya I swear, everyday I drive to school on the interstate there's some passed out driver in front of me or something who slows down, speeds up and swerves a lot, pisses me off too cause I've been late in the past because of it (also when damn illegal driving mexicans hit your car on the way to school; no offense to mexicans, just the ones who are illegal and stupid) And that cheating stuff is pretty stupid, I usually try to do the stuff on my own, but if I need help I'll ask soemone to help guide me along on what I'm doing, not just demand the assignment from them, or I'll help someone out if they forgot their stuff at school and I could scan it know how that goes. But whoever is stupid about cheating on assignments desearves to be punished, idiots. Anyway ya i was bored in free so I'd figure to stop by and write this cya later, I'll enjoy the fun of standing around at work tonight too ... and lifting trays of food worth more than my paycheck :P.