Saturday, December 23, 2006


my computer is broken. now life really IS sad. .......i'm so bored without it...

Tuesday, December 5, 2006


I found a new good webcomic (courtesy of Something Positive) the other day. it's based in a traditional fantasy rpg-world and contains metafiction similar to Order of the Stick, but with an interesting spin; protraying goblins, who are typically "evil" in games/comics such as this, as the protagonists. they have hilarious names too: complains of names, fumbles (who prefers to call himself senor vorpal kickass'o), dies horribly, can't think of a name cause he looks like a regular guy, piss off i hava headache, and stop the ceremony i swallowed a bug.


Saturday, December 2, 2006

Evangelion - Tank! - AMV

yea, i have no life. here's another pretty funny amv. what really impressed me is the amount of editing they had to have done to make it all blend together so nicely.

Evangelion - Tank! - AMV